Saturday, April 30, 2011

I had given up chocolate for Lent. A big undertaking, but it wasn't that hard once I got into it. Now Easter had come, and there is chocolate overflowing in our house. The good behaviour of lent is over, and I'm now consuming chocolate like a junkie. And it's having some nasty side effects - my sleep isn't as great, I've been having crazy dreams, and my motivation to go to the gym has diminished. Not good!

In order to get back on track I'm going back to no chocolate as of May 1st. I think it's for the greater good.

I did hit the gym on Thursday night, with the ambition to get a good run in before going to a body balance class. The run was less than impressive. I started off at my usual pace, and I felt like I was crawling. Obviously my speed interval training is working. So I upped my speed. And that was going well for about 8 minutes, then I hit the chocolate wall. All that overindulging felt like lead weighing me down and making every stride more work than it was. At first I thought it was the speed that was the culprit, but even when slowing back to my original speed I still felt sluggish and like every move was a massive undertaking. I slowed to a fast walk, adding some incline, for the rest of the time before heading to my class.

Looking back at all my post-Easter runs, I just haven't had the same physical perserverance that I did prior to the chocolate. I didn't think putting so much junk into my body would help me, but I really didn't think the effects would be so dramatic. I really want to get is half-marathon shape for the end of August, so I really need to take everything a bit more seriously!

I think I'm going to sign up for a 5km run in May, to get the feel for a race, and to have a closer event to motivate me as I go!

Steady Run 20minutes
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 9.5km/h for the first 10 mins, then dropped to 6.5km/h
Distance - ?? I didn't catch it on the machine

150 Days till the race

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I didn't have a hard run today, as I have yoga tonight, so I didn't want to overdo it.

When doing intervals of any type it isn't easy to get into the run, instead of getting into my stride and charging through, I am constantly looking at the machine and adjusting the settings. I got into it as much as I could, but it wasn't smooth in the least.

But another run under my belt....that's what it's all about in the end.

Speed intervals 20minutes 1m:1m
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 5.5:10.0km/h (pushing myself to 9.0km/h for the last 4 minutes)
Distance - 2.63km

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter speed bump

Easter has come and gone, and with it was a weekend of laziness! I had a bit of an excuse - the gym was closed on Friday and Monday, as well as it's usual Sunday, so that didn't leave much time for me to hit the treadmill. If I was a bit more confidant with my running I would run outside, but I'm not quite ready for Auckland's crazy hills yet! I did go to the gym on Saturday, but opted for a Body Balance class instead of a run.

I know, I know - that's just a lot of excuses!

The idea of checking out for the weekend was quite nice, but don't think that I'm slipping...not a chance. I was back at the gym early this morning (thanks to a late start at work), and I was itching to get going.

Today I made my second attempt at hill intervals, which I see clearly is going to be my biggest challenge (refer back to my mentioning Aucklands crazy hilliness to see realize how true that really is). Last week when doing hills I was just feeling off, and couldn't get into it at all. I'm happy to say that this attempt was better! It was still a bit of ass kicking, pushing me to my cardio-limit more than any other session, but I managed to pound out 20 minutes. Not too shabby. The running without hills was feeling good, so I finished off with a steady run.

I was thinking that after nearly a week out of my runners that my body would be a bit tender (especially with this being the longest I've run), but I felt amazing this afternoon. I even contemplated heading back for another run this evening...but dinner duty, and not wanting to over do it persuaded me against it.

Treadmill - Hill interval 1m:1m 20minutes
Incline - 1.0:7.0
Speed - 7.0km/h
Distance - 2.38km

Steady run 22minutes
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 8.3km/h (pushing myself to 9.0km/h for the last 4 minutes)
Distance - 3.01km

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another day at the gym. I wish I could say I had stunningly beautiful run like I did on Monday, but sadly it's not the case. Although I did much better than last night, I found the run a bit of a challenge. I did speed intervals, increasing my rest speed slightly - it's still a walk, but a much more assertive one.

Even though I was struggling a little, I still managed a 30 minute run. I hope that after my day off from running tomorrow I'll get back into gear for a nice long run.

Treadmill - Speed interval 1m:1m 30minutes
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 5.5:10.0km/h
Distance - 3.90km

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nutrition and Running

I had a rather busy day today. So busy, that is was 4:30pm before I realized I hadn't had lunch. So I had a little something and went through the rest of my work. I headed to the gym after finishing work and was geared up for a good run. Today I was tackling hill intervals for the first time - which was the the least excited about.

Obviously the late lunch translated into an unprepared body - my hopes for a 30 minute run were slashed, as I hit a wall 10 minutes in, and ended up walking hills for a further 10 minutes before I called it a night. I know that I should have been able to handle hills a little better than that, so the improper fuelling is the only logical explanation.

Let's hope tomorrow goes better!

Treadmill - Hill interval 1m:1m 10 minutes, then walking for further 10 minutes
Incline - 1.0:7.0
Speed - 7.0km/h
10 minutes, then walking for further 10 minutes
Distance - 2.01km

Monday, April 18, 2011

Start of week 2

It's a cold and rainy autumn day here, and I indulged in some comfort baking - Molasses cookies. It was all good, until I ate so many and then headed to the gym. I swear it slowed me down.

Other then the cookie baby I was carrying, I encountered a problem when I arrived at the gym without my ipod. Shock and horror! How was I supposed to run without a pumping distraction in my ears.

To my surprise running without music wasn't that bad. I actually caught my stride and didn't struggle throughout the entire 30 mins - my longest steady run so far. Not having the distraction of music made me check in with my body a little more - my breathing was more even, my stride was more steady. Overall it was a great run. I might have to leave my ipod behind more often!

Treadmill - Long Run
Speed - 8.0km/h, increasing to 9.0 at end
30 mins
Distance - 4.01km

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday fun nights

Another Friday night at the gym. I actually quite like Fridays at the gym, as the place is practically deserted - on this occasion there was one other guy around for the first half of my run, then no one at all. And I was there a rather long time.

Today was the first day putting my new routine into practice. Day one brought speed intervals on the treadmill, and then a resistance program to keep all my running muscles tight. Upon meeting my trainer, Dawn, for the first time I thought she was amazing, giving me a very practical and user friendly routine, but after actually doing the full routine I realize she is actually the devil!

The running part was great. I handled the 1 minute intervals at 10km/h easily, powering through and recovering easily during my rest walk minute. I really think that my speed will increase fairly steadily this way. The tough part was the resistance. The combination of leg exercises and core strenghteners was enough to leave my legs weeping at the idea of descending the steps to the exit at the end. The strong push wasn't that bad, the recovery came quick and easy afterwards. The true problem with the routine was the length of time it took to complete. I was at the gym for about 1.5 hours, with 31 minutes spent on cardio, and maybe 10 minutes on stretching. The resistance part took forever! Ok, so I wasn't in a hurry going through it, but I was going at a steady pace. I hope that maybe I was in la-la land a little and it won't take as long in the future. If not I might be spending way more time at the gym then originally planned.

But if it gets me in marathon shape, isn't it all worth it in the end?!


Treadmill - Speed intervals (1m:1m)
Max speed - 10.0km/h
26 mins
Distance - 3.31km

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A vision for the future

Today I had an assessment with a trainer at the gym. Seeing as I have never attempted to run any race before, it would be wise to consult with a trainer to get advice tailored to me. It helped that the assessment was included with my membership - an every 6 weeks I get another (free) follow up - not bad for the local council run leisure centre.

So I'm now armed with a training program that will challenge me and help me progress. The program not only focuses on the running aspect, but ensuring the muscles I will need for the endurance of a half marathon are in shape. Hello my dear friend Squats, it seems I'll be seeing a lot more of you! The good news was that most of the exercises are done without gym equipment, so I can fit them into my day routine whilst working.

Knowing that my legs were pretty strong, most of the exercises weren't too much of a challenge. The one challenge that I have is strengthening my deep core muscles. I know all about abs and the many different exercises you can do to work them, but never have I had such emphasis on the deep core muscles. And you could tell. It took about 5 minutes of trying, feeling and watching my trainer before I actually got the correct muscle working. I think I will be doing this simple exercise a lot, so I can easily recognize the muscles!!

My run today actually came before my assessment, so I've yet to put the new routine into practice. But long steady runs are a part of the routine, which is what I'm already doing. I'm also going to add some interval training with a fast pace, and some hill intervals. I know my quads are going to love me for the hills!

Today I was lacking motivation throughout the entire run. From the minute I got started I really wanted to stop. Every minute seemed to crawl past. Every two minutes I wanted to decrease my time running. But I pushed through. I actually upped my running time - twice. I started with one goal in my head, 23 minutes of straight running, and at minute 22 I knew that, although I mentally wasn't in the run, physically I was doing fine, so I added another minute and soldiered on. And in the end that extra minute didn't kill me. It didn't even hurt. It was almost enjoyable. That last minute I knew I was going further and the sense of achievement was huge. The reward was immediate. It was so good that I almost but yet another minute on.....almost.

Treadmill - 24 mins (Yay!)
- Distance - 3.38km

167 days till the marathon

Another day at it. I wish I could say that it's getting much easier with every run, but the reality is that each run is challenging in a new way. Today I was 15 mins in when my motivation started wavering. It seems that there is one point in each run where taking the next stride is a conscious decision instead of just instinct - but that point seems to come at a different time in each run. The good thing is it seems to be getting further into the run. That has to be a good sign!

Since most of my runs are going to be in the evening, when the sun is setting (or soon enough will have set, seeing as it's just the start of autumn), one thing about the gym I'm going to really annoys me. The gym is tiny - it's on the mezzanine level, a thin strip over looking the courts below on one side, and looking out the windows to the village square on the other, there is the weights on the court side, and the cardio equipment on the window side. The bikes run parallel to the windows, where as the treadmills look out the windows. In the day time this is great - you can look out over the square and do some people watching - a great way to pass the time. But at night when it's dark the windows become mirrors and all I can see is my reflection running straight for me. Although it is good to check out my technique from time to time, it is definitely annoying. I feel like a narcissist staring at myself, but there is nothing else to look at! I guess I'll just have to learn to love watching myself.....I'm beginning to see the merits of running outside.


Treadmill - 22 mins
- Distance - 2.95 km
-I'm trying to add on a minute or two each day

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, Monday

So my Saturday run-yoga combo was rudely side tracked thanks to a mild bout of food poisoning. But I will not let that dampen my enthusiasm. With Saturday a write off, and the gym closed on Sunday (and I have yet to get the motivation to run in the wild outdoors!), I now find it to be Monday and I'm ready to get back on track.

Today was another post-work workout, so there was that short moment of contemplating not going at all, but I buckled down, got changed and out the door. Today I made it more of a challenge by walking to and from the gym - adding on another 30-40 minutes of cardio to my trip. I figure the weather at this time is gorgeous autumn crisp nights, so I might as well take advantage before it gets that little bit colder, and the rain comes. The walk was nice as it started getting me into run mode, so that when I finally stepped onto the treadmill I actually felt ready to run.

The run itself was pretty good. About half way in I felt my motivation wavering, but I managed to power through and kept up the pace I was at. I also ran for an extra 30 seconds, because the timer on the machine some how decided to tack on the 30secs to the minute count when I was playing around with it. I have no idea how it happened, but I'll take it as the treadmill telling me that I can push just a little bit harder. Who needs a personal trainer when you have a magic treadmill!!

Tomorrow is another day of running, this time sandwiched in between work and being on dinner duty at home. I will have just enough time to get to the gym for a run before heading home to get dinner ready. I can already feel that I'm going to have to hype myself up to go....but at least I'm prepared!

Treadmill - 20 mins 30 secs
- Distance - 2.7 km
- I ran at one steady pace instead of wavering today - 8km/h felt pretty good

Friday, April 8, 2011

Today was more of a challenge than yesterday, first of all because I had to work today, so my run was done at the end of the day after chasing 2 little ones around for 10 hours. Yesterday was my day off and I had a lie in and then a leisurely trip to the gym. Needless to say I already knew it wouldn't be such a walk in the park.

My first run in eons didn't leave my body hurting too badly - I had a slight awareness of my quads, but other than that I was fine. Stepping on the treadmill was fine. The first 5 minutes were fine. It was somewhere around minute 6 when I felt my body slowing a little. So I switched on a pumping track, increased the speed and powered through.

All in all it was a good run. I had to push myself a little, which I like. I got home afterwards feeling that lovely burn both in my lungs and legs. I've missed running!

Tomorrow will be the true test, getting up early to fit a run in before my yoga class.

Treadmill - 20 mins
- Distance - 2.66 km

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 1

Training started today. I'm wasting no time! I figured out that I haven't actually ran since June of last year. All my fitness pursuits have revolved around yoga, pilates and cycling, not running. So I wasn't sure how my body was going to react to stepping back on the treadmill.

Thankfully it was like riding a bike! I did a 20 min jog on the treadmill and only found myself glancing down at the time once or twice. Getting back into the groove of running might come more naturally then I anticipated. I truly thought that I was going to be pushing myself hard to stay going for 2o mins.

But, that was only my first session. I will not be fooled into thinking it's always going to be this easy. I know the first few days can seem optimistically easy, then day 3 and 4 comes along when the body has a little harder time keeping up. I'm not going to feel that I've settled back into running until I'm 2 weeks in and my body has a chance to react to what I'm doing to it!

With that being said, I'm pretty happy with myself so far! One down, many many more runs to go.....173 days till the marathon!

Treadmill - 20 mins
- 6.9 - 7.7 km/h
- incline avg 2

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Let's start at the very beginning's a very good place to start!

Through the years my levels of fitness have varied, so has my love -hate relationship with running. But one thing that has stayed the same has been my desire to run a running race. Well, I'm done thinking about it, and it's time to make it happen.

On August 28th 2011 is the North Shore Marathon, and I intent on running the half marathon. I know myself, and motivation has always been my biggest obstacle, so I'm going to share my experience in order to keep myself motivated.

I have 174 days till the race to get myself trained, which should be enough (they manage to run marathons on The Biggest Loser with much less time to prep, so I should be ok). The next few weeks I'm going to ease myself into it, and get a plan. I'm really starting from scratch here, as I haven't been doing any running for months!!!

Small steps, and I'll make it. Mind over matter!

Goal #1 - get gym membership so I have a climate controlled place to run!