Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happy Birthday to me

In prepping for my half I have signed myself up for 2 race series, and it turned out that the first race in the Unitech Run & Walk series was on my birthday. And I aimed high, signing up for the 15km run.

Waking up on the morning of my birthday at 6am getting myself ready to hand out the door to Ellerslie for the race wasn't ideal, but it was nice change to the Sunday morning hangover that I usually deal with.

On top of running, I signed up to volunteer with registration before the race, so I was there early to help out. I ended up working side by side with another Canadian girl who was going to be running as well. All in all, it was a great start to the day.

With the registration table being so busy the morning flew by, and before I knew it it was time to get warmed up and head to the starting line.

The course itself was pretty good, no steep hills, but still challenging. I ran a good first lap, with a time around 30 mins, and the second lap went well as well. I felt that I had done around the same time as the 1st lap, which put me well on my way to the 1hour 30 min time that I wanted, but thought was a little too ambitious. The 3rd lap was a bit harder, and I felt myself slowing down. Thankfully the last 1-2kms circled around the race course, so the end was in sight, and that was the motivation that I used to keep my pace up till the end. Although I slowed a little I crossed the finish line very close to the 1:30 time that I had dreamed of.

The coolest part of this race was that the MC at the finish line was great. They knew who everyone was when the crossed the line to do another lap and finish, and they also knew it was my birthday, so every time I crossed the line I heard a happy birthday shout out, as well as some encouraging words such as 'what a way to spend your birthday'.

So I finished the race feeling pretty happy with myself, and when the results got posted and it was confirmed that I had an amazing finishing time.

My net time was 1 hour 31 minutes and 43 seconds!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Nearing the finsh line...or should I say starting line

On Saturday I set off for my long run. This one with a few more kms, inching ever closer to the goal of 21kms. This week it was 18kms. From the many books on running that I have read, I know that 18 is the magic number. It's enough kms to get me across the finish line. And since I'm in it to complete, not compete, that's all I need. Looking back a few months when I first got this genius idea, I never thought that's I'd get to this point in July - a full month before race day. I thought my planned August holidays would leave me rushing to fit everything in, and obsessing about it while I'm soaking up the sun in Bali. Boy, am I happy to be ahead of the game. With this progress I have a few more weeks to add an extra km or 2, making race day that much easier.

The long run wasn't too bad, once I got into it. Mind you it took about 7kms to get into it. Not good. But the second half was great - running with ease and a smile on my pace.

I have 2 weeks until I head off on holidays, and so far the plan is this - 15km race on July 31, another long run (18/19kms) during the week before I go, a few runs whilst away, a 12km race on Aug 21 when I'm back, then one week of taper before the big day on Aug 28th!

The big day will be here before I know it!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another week of trainer done. Hurrah!

This week I tried out a running group near my home, and it was quite the experience. The group runs for about 1 hour, which was fine, but it was a small group of people who have been running together for a few years, so they were all a bit faster than I was. The start of the run was uphill, and going at a rather steady pace. I made it through the run, puff a lot, but I still made it! As soon as I was done I was feeling spent, and the next day my legs were a bit sore - that hasn't happened in a while! I'm going to go back this week, and it should really help up my endurance and strength being pushed that little bit.

My long run this week was a whopping 16km. It was very similar to my long route the other week, with a few little add ons to get those extra kms in there. I must say it went much better than last time. It did take me a few kms to get into it, but once I did, it was a great run. The last few kms I ended up finding a trail, so I went off road - the change in terrain was a bit of a shock to my legs, but it was all good. I'm now only just bit over 5kms off of the half marathon distance - hard to believe!!

5k PB 35:16
10k PB  1:00:10
Next race is in 2 weeks!
42 Days till the half marathon

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Another run bites the dust!

Another race under my belt, and with it some stunning results!

Going into the last race in the Run Auckland Series, there was lots of talk of it being and flat and fast course, so I was hoping to better my PB. And I was aiming high! I wanted a 1hour finish time, and I thought it was within my reach. Luckily I know myself well, and I was only 10seconds over my desired time of 1 hour. And in my books, that's a huge success.

The race started out slow, with lots of people, so making my way through the start and getting the space to get to my pace took a little while. For the first bit of the run my legs felt a bit heavy and I was wondering if I was going to be able to better my time, but as I rounded on to the long straight away I got into my groove and things started to feel better. Thoroughly checking out the route would have helped me mentally, as there were a few twists and turns in the last 2kms, so I was a little disoriented, and the start line took me by surprise. Mind you, a good surprise! As I came up to the hairpin turn before the start, I could already see the clock - and it had just passed 30mins. I was right on track for a 1 hour finish, as long as I could keep my pace. The second lap started well, then between km 1 and 2 I lost my pace and ended up having to stop for a few seconds of walking to reset. Then I was off! The second lap is better, because you know exactly what is coming, so there is no fear of the unknown. As I came closer to the end, I switched on a good song on my ipod and opened up my stride. The last km saw me over take a few people, and as I approached the finish line,  with only the hairpin turn left, I saw the clock say 1:00:30 - if I wanted to get in around the 1 hour mark I would have to keep my sprint till I got over the line. And I did! I knew that I crossed the line at the start a good 30 seconds in, so I knew I was within a few seconds of my 1 hour goal. It wasn't until the results went up tonight that I confirmed that I did the race in 1:00:10 - a fabulous time. And I had a negative split (second lap was faster than my first) - even with that bit of walking I did.

I'm so pleased! Can't wait for the next race!!!

5k PB 35:16
10k PB  1:00:10
Next race is in 3 weeks!
49 Days till the half marathon

Monday, July 4, 2011

The long road to Takapuna

So I did my long run yesterday, and because my runs are getting longer and longer, and I didn't want to just run an extension of the loop I've done a few times already I decided to go one way. I got on to Map My Run and started trying out the possibilities. And the winner ended up being a daunting run from home to Takapuna. To put this into perspective, Takapuna is about a 15 - 20 min drive away, far down the shore and just a hop skip and a jump across the water from the CBD. In other words, it's pretty damn far! And as far as it seems mentally, looking at the map just made it worse.

Of course, I knew that I was only upping my mileage slightly, and that I had the fitness to complete, but it was still a little intimidating! To make it easier for me, I arranged to meet a friend in Takapuna after my run for a catch up, so the entire way down I had the reward of seeing here to keep me going (and the time limit for my run, if I wasn't to make her wait around for me).

All in all the run was pretty good. I was slow and steady, but I got there. Around km 11 my knee started to get a bit sensitive, and I eased off from then on, walking more and more. But the end result was a pace not far off of my normal long run pace. So I'm very happy - especially when I look at the map!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ever since the 10k I've had a a huge surge of motivation. I've been putting all my effort into getting up in the mornings for a pre-work run. This week it's been so cold out in the morning, but I'm happy to say I still managed to get myself out of bed before 6am on Monday and Tuesday. My runs are getting easier, although I haven't picked up any speed. But in the end, speed isn't that important, as long as I have the endurance to get around.

My long run for last week was suposed to be on Sunday, but a friends cancelled flight made me put it off until Monday morning. A long run before work wasn't ideal, but it went well and I was happy. Hopefully this week I'll manage to everything in according to my plan!

Here is the summery of my long run:

My motivation isn't just for my running, but also my strength training as well. I've been hitting the weights at the gym much more regularly, and it's been paying off. I'm definitely feeling the work in my legs and shoulders. Hopefully I can keep this, especaily with just over a week until my next race!

5k PB 35:16
10k PB  1:08:42 
10 days till the next 10k
59 Days till the half marathon

Monday, June 20, 2011

10k - Complete!

The big run was yesterday, and although I was rather nervous, having not had solid training leading up to it, it went really well!  The rain held off and it was sunny and beautiful - one might even say it was a bit hot, but I was running so not the best judge of that!

The course was pretty good, gentle hills that weren't too much of a challenge, and then one massive hill. When I rounded the corner to see the big hill, the girl beside me and I pulled out our earphone and said "what the hell is that!". Even with checking out the elevation profile of the course, I wasn't prepared for a hill that steep. Thankfully it wasn't too long, and there was a drink station conveniently placed at the top. The first lap I manager to run about half way up the hill, but the second time around I wasn't far up before I gave in to walking.

I crossed the line for the first lap with a time of 35:12 showing on the clock, which meant that my lap was faster than my last 5k - even with the hill. I was hoping for a time of 1:10, but being realistic, expecting closer to 1:15, figuring I'd slow my pace slightly on the 2nd lap, and my 1st lap time was right on par with my predictions. The second lap is better, as you know what is coming. While rounding the gentle incline before the massive hill, I was mentally preparing myself for the climb. As I passed the 4km sign, I knew the course was downhill and then rounds into the finish, so I opened up my stride and called on the energy reserve I had. And although I walked a bit more, and felt like I was going slower, I managed to pull up my pace and come across the line at a time of 1:09 on the clock. I was ecstatic! A great result, and I was feeling good!

The official results are:
Official time - 1:09:46
Net time - 1:08:42
1st lap time - 34:13
2nd lap time - 34:28

Mid race, looking serious!

5k PB 35:16
10k PB  1:08:42
21 days till the next 10k
69 Days till the half marathon

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Today is the day of my next race - a small little 10k to get the body moving. Thanks to my nigglely knee I haven't done a full 10k run yet, but I'm sure the few extra kms won't kill me! I must say that I am a wee bit more nervous about this one than the 5k, I didn't even sleep that well last night (and I never have trouble sleeping!). Hopefully all that nervous energy will convert into some good adrenaline that will carry me for the 2 laps of the race. The course is much flatter than the 5k, so I shouldn't have any problems. Being a modern day race, they have a facebook page that I'm following, and yesterday the sad news came across that the people who give the free 10min massages won't be able to make it. I was really looking forward to that massage! I guess I'll just have to give myself some tlc at home!

Fingers crossed that I'm reporting back later about a super race where I ran beautifully and had no problems, but seeing as they are calling for rain today, it could be a real wet one and who knows how that will effect my running!

Till after the race!

5k PB 35:16
Today is the 10k!!!
70 Days till the half marathon

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's now been 2 weeks that I have been taking it easy, allowing my knee to recover, and it's been hell! I miss getting out there, and all I can think about is the progress that I'm not making. Ugh! But it's needed, and I think I may be recovered enough to get back at it.

I went for a decent 5k run yesterday, and did it in good time. my knee didn't really start to bother me till the end - much better than last week when I was only a few minutes into the run and it was already an issue. Hopefully this will be the only set back I have - there is just a little over 2 months till the half marathon, and I'm not as far along as I would like to be. If I get another good run in today I'll be all set to start increasing my mileage. There is still a small hope for competing in the 10k next weekend - but if I have to do the 5k I'll still be happy.

5k PB 35:16
7days till the 10k - Hopefully! 
77 Days till the half marathon

Sunday, June 5, 2011

It was bound to happen eventually. I'm currently being held back by a little injury. Caused by my new runners, my knee is suffering some a little pain. I know it's because of the new shoes, because it only started after purchasing them - up until then I was perfectly fine. So not only does that leave me taking time off the road to recover, it also means I need to get some new runner! Boo!

After giving myself almost a week off after last weeks race, I set out on Friday for a little run. I was itching to hit the streets again, and although it was blowing a gale I ventured out after work looking for some running clarity. The pain had eased off my then, so I was testing the waters. Unfortunately I wasn't far into my run when my knee started sounding out it's objection. What was supposed to be an easy 6k m run turned out to be a 3k run with a lot of walking. Obviously the knee hasn't had enough rest time yet. Not good! My dreams of the 10k on June 19th are slipping away, and at this point I'll be lucky to get another 5k under my belt.

Fingers crossed that my knee starts responding to my TLC!

5k PB 35:16
14 days till the 10k - Hopefully!
84 Days till the half marathon

Sunday, May 29, 2011

5k - done!

Today I ran my first ever 5k race and I loved it. It turned out to be a great day, despite some showers before the race started, although the grass parts of the course were a little wet. The run was at Onepoto Reserve here on Auckland's North Shore, an area that is a volcanic crater, so needless to say, there were a few super duper hills! This race was the 4th in the 6 race Run Auckland series, and from speaking to others, it was by far the hardest in terms of hills. One man I met was slower on this course than the others, and he ran this one completely whereas he walked some of the previous ones.

The fact that I ran the entire route (I shouldn't lie, I did slow to a walk for about 3 steps whilst going over some flowing water on the path) was a great accomplishment, considering the climbs on the course - we went up 46 metres in total. When I got to about the last km, with the end in sight, I found that extra reserve of energy and picked up the pace, over taking many people and really opening up my stride for the the home stretch. I couldn't have been more pleased with the result - the official time isn't up yet, but I think it was about 35 minutes! Not too shabby for my first go. Lots of room for improvement!

The next run in the series is on June 19th, and I think I am going to attempt the 10k this time. I met a guy who lives close to me who is doing the whole series, so I'll have a friendly face to see at the next run, and I might even see him out on the roads - he's given me some suggestions for routes to run.

After finishing the run

5k complete!!
21 days till the 10k
121 Days till the half marathon

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Today I met with a trainer to go over my program and make some changes. The trainer that I originally met with, Dawn, is off on holiday, so I met with a new girls. I rather liked Dawn, but I looked forward to new ideas from my nest trainer, Amy.

Thankfully Amy was just what I needed. She listen to my complaints of boredom in my current routine, and she added some new, more challenging exercises. Now, instead spending a lot of time on the mat doing simple exercises, I'm up using weights, and even chest pressing a big bar....hopefully soon I'll be strong enough to put some extra weights on! All in all I'm very happy with my new program, and even some sore muscles to tell me it's working.

My running outside has also increased. Although I still do struggle with hills, I'm sussing out some route close to home that don't have really big hills. Today I even ran to the gym and home again. And while attempting to conquer hills, I also had my first experience with the steps in Browns Bay - they cut up the cliff like hill, and are quite painful! They are short steps, 3 sets of them, with about a 3 metre landing in between. By the time I get to the last one I'm using all my momentum to propel me up. Hopefully they will get easier the more I do them.

4 Days till 5k!!
125 Days till the race

Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Zealand is an expensive place. I've been thinking about getting some new running shoes for a few weeks now, but the hefty price has always made me reconsider. This weekend I went to the Outlet Mall in the south of the city in hopes of getting a bargain. Thankfully there were plenty of bargains to be had, and I had a few different shoe options to choose from.  I ended up getting a sexy pair of Asics that look great. I got home Saturday afternoon looking forward to putting the shoes to the test with a run. I went pretty easy, so not to overwhelm my poor little feet as they got used to their new home. And, thankfully, there were no issues. My feet were loving the new runners! I'm looking forward to really breaking them in at my first ever 5k race next weekend!

Today is Sunday, and as the gym is closed, it usually translates into no running, thanks to Auckland's stunning weather (I'm not a fan of the rain)! But this morning I awoke to blue skies and sunshine streaking through my bedroom window. I quickly hopped out of bed, got kitted up and headed out the door. While still getting used to the added challenges of running outdoors (mainly big ass hills everywhere) I kept it short again today, which was probably a good thing. When I got home my knee started hurt started hurting. I rested for the rest of the day, and I'm happy that it's getting better, but it's not leaving me confidant for the rest of the week. Hopefully another day of TLC will have my knee feeling great again, allowing me to get in 1 or 2 good runs before the race on Sunday. Worst case scenario is that I'm walking mots of the 5k, but I was really hoping to hit my first race with my best foot forward & moving at a reasonable pace. Still a few days to get back on trace, so fingers crossed!

1 week till 5k!!
128 Days till the race

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Today I conquered a new challenge. After a month of running at the gym I felt my fitness was finally up to an acceptable enough level to venture outdoors. It was early evening and the temperature was perfect for a nice run. Unfortunately Auckland is very hilly, so the run was a challenge, especially considering that hills and I don't seem to get along. More practice is definitely needed.

My venture into the outdoors is helped by the discovery of a wonderful website - Map My Run. The site allows me to track my runs, even showing me the elevations. It very useful!

Distance - 3.67km
Time - 25:37mins

Average Speed - 6:58 min/km

10 Days till 5k
132 Days till the race

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I got off to the gym early after work today, which gave me more time then usual. Time always seems to be the challenge.

In my head I wanted to do at least 6km, upping my milage in preparation for the 10k I'm going to run in June.Once I got going I got into a groove with this run. A bog old runners groove. I ended up running for a full hour, and did over 8kms. I'm very pleased with myself!

I now officially registered for the 5k next weekend, and after such a stunning run, I'm quite optimistic about it.

Distance - 8.46km
Time - 60mins

Incline - 1.0
Speed - 8.5km/h for the first 55mins, then 9.5km/h for the last 5 mins

11 Days till 5k
133 Days till the race

Friday, May 13, 2011

Another quick session at the gym. I had less than an hour before having to be home to babysit, so I only did a quick run. I felt like I had way more in me, even though I upped the intensity slightly - always a good sign.

Yesterday I also registered for a series of runs - the first one being on July 31st, my birthday. So no hard partying the night before!! I have yet to register for the run at the end of the month, but I really should do that today.

Really putting effort into this running, I've gotten many booked from the library on running, marathons and motivation. Sadly, most of the books are pretty bland, and not really helpful - they cover the basic of training, plans and nutrition, which I already know, without giving anything to relate to or interesting. Thankfully, the latest book that I got - Kara Goucher's Running for Women, has been exactly what I want. Kara is a professional runner from the States and her book is advice thrown in with her story. She talks about how she started out, problems she's encountered, and what training works for her, as well as some fantastic quotes. This book isn't just a list of things to do, it has heart and makes you feel like you're not alone on your quest for running sucess. I'm not done the book yet, but so far I'm seriously impressed!

Speed Intervals
Distance - 2.94
Time - 20
Incline - 1.0
Speed - slow interval at 6.5, fast intervals started with an 11.0, then 3 sets of 10.0-11.0-12.0

15 Days till 5k
137 Days till the race

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I decided to take a little break from the gym for a few days - just to make sure I wasn't over doing it, and making myself vulnerable to injury. My month to month gym membership also ran out on Sat, so taking a few days off wasn't costing me anything.

Today was raining. A lot. Weather I'm told to get used to as Auckland enters winter. So my motivation to get out of the house wasn't all that strong. But I got to the gym and thought it was a good day for another 5km run. It's been a little over a week since my first 5k attempt, and since then I have been feeling like my body could do more and run faster. I'm happy to say that I did improve, shaving almost a minute off of my time. I still took a few brief walking breaks, so there is still room for more improvement. With the 5k race I want to do just over 2 weeks away, I think there is enough time to get my time a little more.

5k Run
Time - 34:32
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 8.5 - 9.5 km/h, with a few 11.0 sprints

17 Days till 5k
139 Days till the race

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I had Friday off, and best of intentions turned to a trip across the city to do a bit of shopping. By the time I got back my motivation for going to the gym had pretty much evaporated. But I got dressed, but on my runners, and slowly made my way towards the door. And eventually, I made it to the gym - a major accomplishment in itself.

On the agenda for today was hill intervals - my least favourite of all my runs, and not the best thing to do when I'm already lacking in the motivation department. But I persevered! Because my hills are done at a slower pace, I felt the need to do a steady run after, to feel that thrill of the pace. So after 20 mins doing hills, I pushed myself to 15 minutes.

Not bad for a day with no motivation!

Hill intervals 1m:1m
Time - 20 mins
Incline - 1.0:7.0
Speed - 7.3 km/h
Distance - 2.32

Steady run
Time - 15mins
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 9.5 km/h
Distance - 2.28

143 Days till the race

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today I fit a quick run in before going to a body balance class. The pair of the 2 works rather well - the class helps me stretch out my legs very well - I especially like the quad stretch of the king pigeon pose! The core work in a body balance class also pushes me further then I what I usually go...there is something about a group that makes you push yourself a little harder.

Steady run
Time - 20min
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 9.0 km/h
Distance - 2.93

145 Days till the race

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another Tuesday - where it's a quick trip to the gym in between finishing work, and having to start dinner. Thankfully I got to the gym rather early, so I got a good workout in.

I originally thought that I would do another 5k run tonight - trying to set a routine, and work myself up to longer distance runs - shifting the focus to the distance instead of the time. But I didn't really have time for it, and the treadmills they have at the gym and a bit low-tech, and I'm unable to set a km-goal and still watch my time. And seeing as I was doing intervals tonight, it wasn't really convenient to not have the time to look at. I might have to invest in a stop watch to use for intervals in order to get more distance oriented.

I noticed that my running speed has been increasing, what was my 'fast as I can' speed when I started out a month ago now feels like a crawl. Not only does this translate to an increase in my steady run speed, but I've also upped my fast interval time (as well as my rest interval, although I'm not jogging it yet, I'm on the cusp!).

Tonight's run felt great. The increase in speed made it a bigger cardio-challenge, and my body is still feeling good. I'm definitely getting more into running, as the post-run tenderness in my legs has tapered off, and afterwards I'm just feeling good and worked.

Speed intervals 1m:1m
Time - 25:37
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 6.5:10.5 km/h
Distance - Over 3km, I didn't remember it from the brief summary it gives at the end

147 Days till the race

Monday, May 2, 2011

So I've started today with a renewed enthusiasm. I'm putting Easter behind me and bringing my focus back to the task at hand - increasing my running.

The race at the end of May is a 5k or 10k, and I'm trying to decide whether to stick with the safe option of 5k or to try to push myself to basically double my mileage over the next 4 weeks. To get a good feel for it, I decided to do a 5km run today to see how challenging that was for me. Part of me wants to set the barre high and sign up for 10k. But too much too soon could lead to an injury. I know that I don't have to be able to run the full 10k, that walking some is allowed, but I would love to be able to run the entire race, and I know that I would be able to do that if I ran the 5k.

The 5k was a bit of a challenge - on the machine I can either see my mileage or time, not both at the same time, so seeing the kms creep up slowly was slightly discouraging compared to the ticking by of the minutes and seconds. But not being so focused on the display let my mind wander to other things, mainly how I was feeling throughout the run. With a distance as the goal I didn't feel as rigid in my speed, I went up and down slightly with the music and how I was feeling. I did slow to a walk for a short time, to catch my breath as well as take a drink (my lovely nalgene is crap for drinking out of while moving, unless I want a wet shirt). All in all the 5k went by without any issues, and I definitely got into the groove near the end and was loving it. As I did slow for a bit, I know I have room to progress, so if I do do the 5k it will still be challenging. Just in a different capacity than the 10k.

I'm still not completely settled on just doing 5k, so I'm going to try for longer runs over the next week to see how hard the 10k will be to achieve. Thankfully I the decision isn't rushed, as I can register for the run up to a few days before the event!

5km run
Time - 35:24
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 8.5 to 9.0km/h for most of it

148 Days till the race

Saturday, April 30, 2011

I had given up chocolate for Lent. A big undertaking, but it wasn't that hard once I got into it. Now Easter had come, and there is chocolate overflowing in our house. The good behaviour of lent is over, and I'm now consuming chocolate like a junkie. And it's having some nasty side effects - my sleep isn't as great, I've been having crazy dreams, and my motivation to go to the gym has diminished. Not good!

In order to get back on track I'm going back to no chocolate as of May 1st. I think it's for the greater good.

I did hit the gym on Thursday night, with the ambition to get a good run in before going to a body balance class. The run was less than impressive. I started off at my usual pace, and I felt like I was crawling. Obviously my speed interval training is working. So I upped my speed. And that was going well for about 8 minutes, then I hit the chocolate wall. All that overindulging felt like lead weighing me down and making every stride more work than it was. At first I thought it was the speed that was the culprit, but even when slowing back to my original speed I still felt sluggish and like every move was a massive undertaking. I slowed to a fast walk, adding some incline, for the rest of the time before heading to my class.

Looking back at all my post-Easter runs, I just haven't had the same physical perserverance that I did prior to the chocolate. I didn't think putting so much junk into my body would help me, but I really didn't think the effects would be so dramatic. I really want to get is half-marathon shape for the end of August, so I really need to take everything a bit more seriously!

I think I'm going to sign up for a 5km run in May, to get the feel for a race, and to have a closer event to motivate me as I go!

Steady Run 20minutes
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 9.5km/h for the first 10 mins, then dropped to 6.5km/h
Distance - ?? I didn't catch it on the machine

150 Days till the race

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I didn't have a hard run today, as I have yoga tonight, so I didn't want to overdo it.

When doing intervals of any type it isn't easy to get into the run, instead of getting into my stride and charging through, I am constantly looking at the machine and adjusting the settings. I got into it as much as I could, but it wasn't smooth in the least.

But another run under my belt....that's what it's all about in the end.

Speed intervals 20minutes 1m:1m
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 5.5:10.0km/h (pushing myself to 9.0km/h for the last 4 minutes)
Distance - 2.63km

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter speed bump

Easter has come and gone, and with it was a weekend of laziness! I had a bit of an excuse - the gym was closed on Friday and Monday, as well as it's usual Sunday, so that didn't leave much time for me to hit the treadmill. If I was a bit more confidant with my running I would run outside, but I'm not quite ready for Auckland's crazy hills yet! I did go to the gym on Saturday, but opted for a Body Balance class instead of a run.

I know, I know - that's just a lot of excuses!

The idea of checking out for the weekend was quite nice, but don't think that I'm slipping...not a chance. I was back at the gym early this morning (thanks to a late start at work), and I was itching to get going.

Today I made my second attempt at hill intervals, which I see clearly is going to be my biggest challenge (refer back to my mentioning Aucklands crazy hilliness to see realize how true that really is). Last week when doing hills I was just feeling off, and couldn't get into it at all. I'm happy to say that this attempt was better! It was still a bit of ass kicking, pushing me to my cardio-limit more than any other session, but I managed to pound out 20 minutes. Not too shabby. The running without hills was feeling good, so I finished off with a steady run.

I was thinking that after nearly a week out of my runners that my body would be a bit tender (especially with this being the longest I've run), but I felt amazing this afternoon. I even contemplated heading back for another run this evening...but dinner duty, and not wanting to over do it persuaded me against it.

Treadmill - Hill interval 1m:1m 20minutes
Incline - 1.0:7.0
Speed - 7.0km/h
Distance - 2.38km

Steady run 22minutes
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 8.3km/h (pushing myself to 9.0km/h for the last 4 minutes)
Distance - 3.01km

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another day at the gym. I wish I could say I had stunningly beautiful run like I did on Monday, but sadly it's not the case. Although I did much better than last night, I found the run a bit of a challenge. I did speed intervals, increasing my rest speed slightly - it's still a walk, but a much more assertive one.

Even though I was struggling a little, I still managed a 30 minute run. I hope that after my day off from running tomorrow I'll get back into gear for a nice long run.

Treadmill - Speed interval 1m:1m 30minutes
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 5.5:10.0km/h
Distance - 3.90km

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nutrition and Running

I had a rather busy day today. So busy, that is was 4:30pm before I realized I hadn't had lunch. So I had a little something and went through the rest of my work. I headed to the gym after finishing work and was geared up for a good run. Today I was tackling hill intervals for the first time - which was the the least excited about.

Obviously the late lunch translated into an unprepared body - my hopes for a 30 minute run were slashed, as I hit a wall 10 minutes in, and ended up walking hills for a further 10 minutes before I called it a night. I know that I should have been able to handle hills a little better than that, so the improper fuelling is the only logical explanation.

Let's hope tomorrow goes better!

Treadmill - Hill interval 1m:1m 10 minutes, then walking for further 10 minutes
Incline - 1.0:7.0
Speed - 7.0km/h
10 minutes, then walking for further 10 minutes
Distance - 2.01km

Monday, April 18, 2011

Start of week 2

It's a cold and rainy autumn day here, and I indulged in some comfort baking - Molasses cookies. It was all good, until I ate so many and then headed to the gym. I swear it slowed me down.

Other then the cookie baby I was carrying, I encountered a problem when I arrived at the gym without my ipod. Shock and horror! How was I supposed to run without a pumping distraction in my ears.

To my surprise running without music wasn't that bad. I actually caught my stride and didn't struggle throughout the entire 30 mins - my longest steady run so far. Not having the distraction of music made me check in with my body a little more - my breathing was more even, my stride was more steady. Overall it was a great run. I might have to leave my ipod behind more often!

Treadmill - Long Run
Speed - 8.0km/h, increasing to 9.0 at end
30 mins
Distance - 4.01km

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday fun nights

Another Friday night at the gym. I actually quite like Fridays at the gym, as the place is practically deserted - on this occasion there was one other guy around for the first half of my run, then no one at all. And I was there a rather long time.

Today was the first day putting my new routine into practice. Day one brought speed intervals on the treadmill, and then a resistance program to keep all my running muscles tight. Upon meeting my trainer, Dawn, for the first time I thought she was amazing, giving me a very practical and user friendly routine, but after actually doing the full routine I realize she is actually the devil!

The running part was great. I handled the 1 minute intervals at 10km/h easily, powering through and recovering easily during my rest walk minute. I really think that my speed will increase fairly steadily this way. The tough part was the resistance. The combination of leg exercises and core strenghteners was enough to leave my legs weeping at the idea of descending the steps to the exit at the end. The strong push wasn't that bad, the recovery came quick and easy afterwards. The true problem with the routine was the length of time it took to complete. I was at the gym for about 1.5 hours, with 31 minutes spent on cardio, and maybe 10 minutes on stretching. The resistance part took forever! Ok, so I wasn't in a hurry going through it, but I was going at a steady pace. I hope that maybe I was in la-la land a little and it won't take as long in the future. If not I might be spending way more time at the gym then originally planned.

But if it gets me in marathon shape, isn't it all worth it in the end?!


Treadmill - Speed intervals (1m:1m)
Max speed - 10.0km/h
26 mins
Distance - 3.31km

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A vision for the future

Today I had an assessment with a trainer at the gym. Seeing as I have never attempted to run any race before, it would be wise to consult with a trainer to get advice tailored to me. It helped that the assessment was included with my membership - an every 6 weeks I get another (free) follow up - not bad for the local council run leisure centre.

So I'm now armed with a training program that will challenge me and help me progress. The program not only focuses on the running aspect, but ensuring the muscles I will need for the endurance of a half marathon are in shape. Hello my dear friend Squats, it seems I'll be seeing a lot more of you! The good news was that most of the exercises are done without gym equipment, so I can fit them into my day routine whilst working.

Knowing that my legs were pretty strong, most of the exercises weren't too much of a challenge. The one challenge that I have is strengthening my deep core muscles. I know all about abs and the many different exercises you can do to work them, but never have I had such emphasis on the deep core muscles. And you could tell. It took about 5 minutes of trying, feeling and watching my trainer before I actually got the correct muscle working. I think I will be doing this simple exercise a lot, so I can easily recognize the muscles!!

My run today actually came before my assessment, so I've yet to put the new routine into practice. But long steady runs are a part of the routine, which is what I'm already doing. I'm also going to add some interval training with a fast pace, and some hill intervals. I know my quads are going to love me for the hills!

Today I was lacking motivation throughout the entire run. From the minute I got started I really wanted to stop. Every minute seemed to crawl past. Every two minutes I wanted to decrease my time running. But I pushed through. I actually upped my running time - twice. I started with one goal in my head, 23 minutes of straight running, and at minute 22 I knew that, although I mentally wasn't in the run, physically I was doing fine, so I added another minute and soldiered on. And in the end that extra minute didn't kill me. It didn't even hurt. It was almost enjoyable. That last minute I knew I was going further and the sense of achievement was huge. The reward was immediate. It was so good that I almost but yet another minute on.....almost.

Treadmill - 24 mins (Yay!)
- Distance - 3.38km

167 days till the marathon

Another day at it. I wish I could say that it's getting much easier with every run, but the reality is that each run is challenging in a new way. Today I was 15 mins in when my motivation started wavering. It seems that there is one point in each run where taking the next stride is a conscious decision instead of just instinct - but that point seems to come at a different time in each run. The good thing is it seems to be getting further into the run. That has to be a good sign!

Since most of my runs are going to be in the evening, when the sun is setting (or soon enough will have set, seeing as it's just the start of autumn), one thing about the gym I'm going to really annoys me. The gym is tiny - it's on the mezzanine level, a thin strip over looking the courts below on one side, and looking out the windows to the village square on the other, there is the weights on the court side, and the cardio equipment on the window side. The bikes run parallel to the windows, where as the treadmills look out the windows. In the day time this is great - you can look out over the square and do some people watching - a great way to pass the time. But at night when it's dark the windows become mirrors and all I can see is my reflection running straight for me. Although it is good to check out my technique from time to time, it is definitely annoying. I feel like a narcissist staring at myself, but there is nothing else to look at! I guess I'll just have to learn to love watching myself.....I'm beginning to see the merits of running outside.


Treadmill - 22 mins
- Distance - 2.95 km
-I'm trying to add on a minute or two each day

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, Monday

So my Saturday run-yoga combo was rudely side tracked thanks to a mild bout of food poisoning. But I will not let that dampen my enthusiasm. With Saturday a write off, and the gym closed on Sunday (and I have yet to get the motivation to run in the wild outdoors!), I now find it to be Monday and I'm ready to get back on track.

Today was another post-work workout, so there was that short moment of contemplating not going at all, but I buckled down, got changed and out the door. Today I made it more of a challenge by walking to and from the gym - adding on another 30-40 minutes of cardio to my trip. I figure the weather at this time is gorgeous autumn crisp nights, so I might as well take advantage before it gets that little bit colder, and the rain comes. The walk was nice as it started getting me into run mode, so that when I finally stepped onto the treadmill I actually felt ready to run.

The run itself was pretty good. About half way in I felt my motivation wavering, but I managed to power through and kept up the pace I was at. I also ran for an extra 30 seconds, because the timer on the machine some how decided to tack on the 30secs to the minute count when I was playing around with it. I have no idea how it happened, but I'll take it as the treadmill telling me that I can push just a little bit harder. Who needs a personal trainer when you have a magic treadmill!!

Tomorrow is another day of running, this time sandwiched in between work and being on dinner duty at home. I will have just enough time to get to the gym for a run before heading home to get dinner ready. I can already feel that I'm going to have to hype myself up to go....but at least I'm prepared!

Treadmill - 20 mins 30 secs
- Distance - 2.7 km
- I ran at one steady pace instead of wavering today - 8km/h felt pretty good

Friday, April 8, 2011

Today was more of a challenge than yesterday, first of all because I had to work today, so my run was done at the end of the day after chasing 2 little ones around for 10 hours. Yesterday was my day off and I had a lie in and then a leisurely trip to the gym. Needless to say I already knew it wouldn't be such a walk in the park.

My first run in eons didn't leave my body hurting too badly - I had a slight awareness of my quads, but other than that I was fine. Stepping on the treadmill was fine. The first 5 minutes were fine. It was somewhere around minute 6 when I felt my body slowing a little. So I switched on a pumping track, increased the speed and powered through.

All in all it was a good run. I had to push myself a little, which I like. I got home afterwards feeling that lovely burn both in my lungs and legs. I've missed running!

Tomorrow will be the true test, getting up early to fit a run in before my yoga class.

Treadmill - 20 mins
- Distance - 2.66 km

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 1

Training started today. I'm wasting no time! I figured out that I haven't actually ran since June of last year. All my fitness pursuits have revolved around yoga, pilates and cycling, not running. So I wasn't sure how my body was going to react to stepping back on the treadmill.

Thankfully it was like riding a bike! I did a 20 min jog on the treadmill and only found myself glancing down at the time once or twice. Getting back into the groove of running might come more naturally then I anticipated. I truly thought that I was going to be pushing myself hard to stay going for 2o mins.

But, that was only my first session. I will not be fooled into thinking it's always going to be this easy. I know the first few days can seem optimistically easy, then day 3 and 4 comes along when the body has a little harder time keeping up. I'm not going to feel that I've settled back into running until I'm 2 weeks in and my body has a chance to react to what I'm doing to it!

With that being said, I'm pretty happy with myself so far! One down, many many more runs to go.....173 days till the marathon!

Treadmill - 20 mins
- 6.9 - 7.7 km/h
- incline avg 2

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Let's start at the very beginning's a very good place to start!

Through the years my levels of fitness have varied, so has my love -hate relationship with running. But one thing that has stayed the same has been my desire to run a running race. Well, I'm done thinking about it, and it's time to make it happen.

On August 28th 2011 is the North Shore Marathon, and I intent on running the half marathon. I know myself, and motivation has always been my biggest obstacle, so I'm going to share my experience in order to keep myself motivated.

I have 174 days till the race to get myself trained, which should be enough (they manage to run marathons on The Biggest Loser with much less time to prep, so I should be ok). The next few weeks I'm going to ease myself into it, and get a plan. I'm really starting from scratch here, as I haven't been doing any running for months!!!

Small steps, and I'll make it. Mind over matter!

Goal #1 - get gym membership so I have a climate controlled place to run!