Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ever since the 10k I've had a a huge surge of motivation. I've been putting all my effort into getting up in the mornings for a pre-work run. This week it's been so cold out in the morning, but I'm happy to say I still managed to get myself out of bed before 6am on Monday and Tuesday. My runs are getting easier, although I haven't picked up any speed. But in the end, speed isn't that important, as long as I have the endurance to get around.

My long run for last week was suposed to be on Sunday, but a friends cancelled flight made me put it off until Monday morning. A long run before work wasn't ideal, but it went well and I was happy. Hopefully this week I'll manage to everything in according to my plan!

Here is the summery of my long run:

My motivation isn't just for my running, but also my strength training as well. I've been hitting the weights at the gym much more regularly, and it's been paying off. I'm definitely feeling the work in my legs and shoulders. Hopefully I can keep this, especaily with just over a week until my next race!

5k PB 35:16
10k PB  1:08:42 
10 days till the next 10k
59 Days till the half marathon

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