Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another Tuesday - where it's a quick trip to the gym in between finishing work, and having to start dinner. Thankfully I got to the gym rather early, so I got a good workout in.

I originally thought that I would do another 5k run tonight - trying to set a routine, and work myself up to longer distance runs - shifting the focus to the distance instead of the time. But I didn't really have time for it, and the treadmills they have at the gym and a bit low-tech, and I'm unable to set a km-goal and still watch my time. And seeing as I was doing intervals tonight, it wasn't really convenient to not have the time to look at. I might have to invest in a stop watch to use for intervals in order to get more distance oriented.

I noticed that my running speed has been increasing, what was my 'fast as I can' speed when I started out a month ago now feels like a crawl. Not only does this translate to an increase in my steady run speed, but I've also upped my fast interval time (as well as my rest interval, although I'm not jogging it yet, I'm on the cusp!).

Tonight's run felt great. The increase in speed made it a bigger cardio-challenge, and my body is still feeling good. I'm definitely getting more into running, as the post-run tenderness in my legs has tapered off, and afterwards I'm just feeling good and worked.

Speed intervals 1m:1m
Time - 25:37
Incline - 1.0
Speed - 6.5:10.5 km/h
Distance - Over 3km, I didn't remember it from the brief summary it gives at the end

147 Days till the race

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